On my store pages are fine art prints available at this time. My watermark will not be included on the print you receive. If you would like a signed copy, please leave a note in the 'instructions' when you order. Signed prints are the same price as unsigned.
Prints are unframed
Shipping: 2 to 4 weeks for domestic and 6 to 8 weeks for international.
Sales tax is charged on all sales in Texas.
Important: An order cannot be canceled once it is placed and there are no refunds. However, if your product is damaged during shipping I will be happy to replace it at no cost to you. Also, because there may be a difference between the crop ratio and the print size on some images, your final product may vary slightly from what you order. Example: an 8x10 may actually be printed at 7x10 or 8x12 to preserve the original dimensions and keep it from having a "squished" look.
On my store pages are fine art prints available at this time. My watermark will not be included on the print you receive. If you would like a signed copy, please leave a note in the 'instructions' when you order. Signed prints are the same price as unsigned.
Prints are unframed
Shipping: 2 to 4 weeks for domestic and 6 to 8 weeks for international.
Sales tax is charged on all sales in Texas.
Important: An order cannot be canceled once it is placed and there are no refunds. However, if your product is damaged during shipping I will be happy to replace it at no cost to you. Also, because there may be a difference between the crop ratio and the print size on some images, your final product may vary slightly from what you order. Example: an 8x10 may actually be printed at 7x10 or 8x12 to preserve the original dimensions and keep it from having a "squished" look.